There are many concerns to consider when preparing for safe winter driving in Indiana. It's always best to prepare your vehicle in advance, as harsh weather conditions can hit sooner than expected. A sudden drop in temperature or a snowstorm can make your daily...
Kokomo Personal Injury Law Blog
Staying safe on the road during high winds
As we approach winter, the weather has started to change. High winds have already impacted certain areas across Indiana, and this is a real possibility for the rest of the year. People still have to get to work, pick up the kids from school and carry out daily tasks,...
Road safety concerns caused by the end of Daylight Saving Time
As the end of Daylight Saving Time approaches, millions of American adults are bracing for what that means in terms of kids’ bedtimes, when pets will need to be let out in the morning and adjusted hours of darkness and light. On the flip side, many people...
Can you still get compensation if you had some fault in a crash?
Sometimes car collisions are completely one driver’s fault. An obvious example would be a driver who speeds through a red light, high on drugs and smashes into a vehicle in the intersection. Most collisions, however, don’t involve such a clear-cut case of fault....
Here’s what you should do if you’re in a car accident
Thousands of car accidents happen a day. On average, a single driver may only suffer from a handful of accidents in their life. Many of these accidents happen within a year of drivers getting their licenses. A car accident can be sudden and startling. Many drivers...
What makes Autumn a dangerous time to drive?
The autumn in Indiana can be quite beautiful. Cooler weather means steaming beverages in the morning and fall colors on the roads all around the state. However, those out for an autumn color tour should engage in a little extra caution. The fall season features some...
2 ways high summer heat can cause motor vehicle accidents
Most people look forward to the summer when they can enjoy more outdoor activities with family and friends. Indiana summers are loved by many, but they can wreak havoc on the roadways, possibly leading to more motor vehicle accidents. Since staying off the roads is...
The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer aren’t over yet
Learning to drive can be a truly thrilling rite of passage for a teenager. It is a mark of increased independence and responsibility that is often unparalleled until a young person turns 18 and is freed from the legal restrictions of childhood. Yet, simply because...
Safety gear motorcyclists shouldn’t forget during the summer months
As a passionate motorcyclist, enjoying the open road during the summer months is an exhilarating experience. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to help protect yourself while riding. Read on to discover essential safety gear...
What are the symptoms of cauda equina syndrome after a wreck?
Sometimes, car accidents leave victims with obvious injuries that require immediate attention – and, sometimes, they don’t. You can walk away from a wreck through sheer adrenaline, even if you’re seriously hurt. Other injuries may only manifest over time as...