It's summertime here in Indiana. Kids are out of school looking for things to do to keep cool on warm summer days. Adults may find themselves at backyard barbeques looking to do the same. This desire leads many people to venture to a friend's house or a community pool...
Month: June 2021
It’s tornado season: Take these steps to stay safe and avoid a crash
It’s tornado season, and that means that there will be heavy storms, hail, funnel clouds and the occasional tornado to watch out for. These somewhat rare natural events are frightening even when you have time to get to a basement or lower level, but what about if...
The 1 thing people with boats can do to protect their passengers
Speed boats, sailboats, yachts and even manually powered paddle boats can be a great way to enjoy warm weather and sunshine. Unfortunately, they can also be a source of risk. Boating accidents can occur any time due to weather, mechanical issues with the vessel or...