How can you tell if you have a brain injury after a car crash?

On Behalf of | Aug 3, 2022 | car accidents

If you injure your brain in a car crash, you must realize and get treatment before it worsens.

The problem is that your brain is not visible – it is cocooned inside your skull. If it is visible, it is probably too late to save you.

So how can you tell if you have injured your brain?

There are some external indicators

These could signify something else entirely, but they might indicate a traumatic brain injury (TBI), so do not dismiss them:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty sleeping

If you dismiss these symptoms and do have a TBI, you risk allowing it to worsen. Time is of the essence to limit brain damage, so you need the correct diagnosis as soon as possible.

How can you be sure you do not have brain damage?

The only way to be sure is to get a doctor to examine you. They can look at what happened in the crash and the array of symptoms you have and decide whether to follow up with tests.

If you were in a low-speed crash where your head did not hit anything, a doctor might surmise your headache and confusion are down to the shock of the event. If they learn your head hit the steering wheel at force, they will likely be more worried and want to carry out testing for potential brain damage.

You cannot afford to take a chance after a car crash. Always get a medical check-up to be sure you discover the full extent of your injuries. Only then should you think about claiming compensation.