Motor vehicle accident claims life of Indiana grad student

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2020 | car accidents

A graduate student at Indiana University has sadly lost her life in a tragic car crash. The motor vehicle accident took place near a street intersection not far from the university’s campus on a recent Saturday night. The crash took place as she was attempting to cross the street.

According to police, a man, 59, had stopped at a red light while traveling south along a street. The man then reportedly tried to turn right while the light was red. Police said the man reported feeling a thump, at which point he pulled over and noticed that he had hit a woman, age 25.

According to authorities, video obtained from an apartment complex near the intersection showed that the woman had three seconds remaining to use the crosswalk at the street intersection. That is when she reportedly started to cross the street, which police said she was legally allowed to do. The man who reportedly struck her was cited for violating state law requiring motorist to exercise caution to as not to strike pedestrians. Police said it did not appear that drugs or alcohol were causal factors in the crash.

The surviving loved ones of the woman who died in the pedestrian accident may choose to file a wrongful death claim against the man who allegedly hit her, seeking the reimbursement of damages. If they can establish liability in an Indiana civil court, based upon a showing of negligence, they may receive a monetary damage award. This award may help the family to cover the woman’s burial expenses and other losses associated with the fatal motor vehicle accident.