3 tips to avoid animal-vehicle road collisions this winter

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2024 | car accidents

Winter time is typically a riskier time to drive due to the icy conditions and snowfall, which may make road surfaces slippery and reduce visibility. In addition to challenging driving conditions, some animals, such as deer, coyotes and foxes, may also remain active during the winter, further increasing the risk of road collisions.

Animals are unpredictable on the road and may get startled by headlights or sudden movements, causing them to dart across the street without warning. This unpredictable behavior can make it harder for drivers to react in time, increasing the chances of a collision. The following tips can help minimize the risk of animal-vehicle collisions and keep you safer on the road this winter.

1. Stay alert, drive sober

Fatigue or impaired driving can slow your reaction time, making it harder to avoid an animal in the road. Stay focused, avoid distractions and always drive sober to increase your chances of avoiding a collision. Also, remember to wear your seat belt at all times—it’s the simplest way to protect yourself if an unexpected collision occurs.

2. Slow down, do not swerve

If an animal gets into the road, your first instinct might be to swerve to avoid it. However, swerving can lead to loss of vehicle control, especially on icy or slippery roads. Instead, brake firmly and steer straight. Slowing down gives you more time to react and reduces the chances of a serious collision. If the animal is too close to avoid, try to stay calm and minimize the impact by keeping control of your vehicle.

3. Scan the road ahead carefully

When driving in winter, especially at night, it helps to be aware of the road and shoulders ahead. If there is no oncoming traffic, using high beams can help improve visibility and allow you to spot animals sooner. Look for reflective eyes on the side of the road, as they can often signal the presence of animals. Scanning the road well in advance gives you more time to react if an animal appears unexpectedly.

Animal-vehicle collisions can lead to serious injury, and legal guidance and support can help you better understand your rights and options if you’re involved in an accident.