What maintenance can you do to help prevent winter accidents?

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2020 | car accidents

Winter has definitely arrived in Indiana, so it is time for everyone to check their vehicles for winter-readiness. All vehicle owners should make sure to top off their antifreeze levels and windshield cleaner fluid to ensure proper heating and that visibility is good in whatever they choose to drive. Being prepared for inclement weather can be vital in this state, so here are a few reminders for everyone driving during the next few months.

Vehicle maintenance is primary

The first consideration when preparing for winter driving is ensuring that the battery, heating system and tires are in top condition. Drivers should address their batteries first because cold weather has a dramatic impact on them as the winter goes on. The heating system should also be in excellent working condition, including the defrost capabilities for the front and back windows. Tires should have plenty of tread for solid traction, and having a pair of studded tires or chains is good for severe weather conditions. The inflation level of tires is important as well because they tend to lose air in below-freezing temperatures. Poor tire maintenance is the cause of many accidents that create personal injury claims during the winter. Also, do not forget the ice scraper.

Make sure you have a safety kit in your vehicle

Many Indiana residents must brave the weather at least twice a day when commuting to work. While some people can choose to stay at home when the weather is bad, some cannot. It is vital to have a safety kit in the car for when emergencies arise. Flashlights and blankets are always a necessity in the northern regions of Indiana, and they are a great inclusion for those in the south. People who drive on the open roads should be prepared for traffic jams and even closed roadways when accidents happen, and being ready for an extended stay in the car is smart.

These are just a few tips for Indiana residents regarding how to prepare their cars for winter. Being safe should always be the top priority. Anyone who sustains injuries in an accident this winter should contact an experienced lawyer for professional representation regarding his or her personal injury claim.