Indiana’s mandatory driver safety program

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2019 | car accidents

The State of Indiana takes driving safety seriously. Besides requiring persons seeking their first driver’s license to take mandatory road safety instruction, the state imposes additional driving safety training requirements on persons who have had more than one driving offense.

Anyone convicted of two or more traffic violations within a 12-month period may be required to complete a Driver Safety Program that has been approved by the state Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Drivers under the age of 21 are required to take such a course if they have been convicted of two violations, regardless of the length of time between convictions. A person who receives notice from the BMV of the necessity to take the mandatory course has 90 days to complete the training or driving privileges will be revoked. Courts often require a driver to take a DSP course in lieu of the suspension of driving privileges.

Any Indiana driver can take a DSP course. Successful completion of the course means that four points will be added to the person’s Indiana Driving Record. The four points can be earned only once every three years. Many, if not all, of the vendors of these courses advertise on the internet, making selection very easy.

Courses can be taken in a classroom, via DVD or online. The courses do not involve basic driving skills; rather, they emphasize defensive driving techniques. All course providers have been reviewed and approved by the BMV. They have the same curriculum standards. All providers are limited to charging a maximum fee of not more than $55 per course (many charge less), and the fee is paid by the driver.